Monday, April 6, 2015

GTA 5 project proposal

For project 5, I am going to argue that GTA 5 is not a bad game. In fact, it is a good game that portrays a positive message about working hard to achieve the American Dream. The manner in which the characters of the game try to achieve their own personal American Dream may not be the best way to do it and they might have also taken the whole idea of "not letting anyone in their way" a little too seriously. However, the characters worked hard and would not stop at anything. This is a positive message that I believe kids mature enough to play this game should learn.  Also, sexism in todays world is a big problem, so the fact that it has it in the game is a good thing.  This shows the audience of the game that sexism is in fact not okay and could motivate people to take a stand to do something about it in the real world. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Project 4 Proposal

I would like to start out by talking about how we are an unsustainable society and at the rate at which we live, the resources we are using will be completely diminished very soon.  Then I would like to talk about fossil fuels and how exactly they are not the right form of energy we need to be using.  I will next talk about alternate forms of clean energy.  This will lead into me saying that hydro power will be the best form. I plan on putting counter arguments in my essay, only to shut them down using fallacies we talked about in class.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Project 3 Road Map...

Where to start.  I know that I am supposed to write a road map for project 3, however I have no clue what we are supposed to be doing for it!  The only thing I am confident about so far, is that I need to pick a topic relating to my major.  My major is Economics, so I guess I will be researching different methods of writing that Economic majors and/or business majors in firms use (that is if this is what we are supposed to do).   I believe it was because we have not met in class to discuss project 3, as to why I am so confused about what we are supposed to be doing.  One thing I am glad about is that I do know I will be researching things about Economics!!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Project 1 Reflection

In all honesty, project 1 was very successful for me.  Never before have I written a rough draft for an essay that I was working on.  I always began writing my essay and would correct my self as I went a long.  Also, the peer editing we did for project 1 was very insightful.  Having someone else look at my work and giving me ideas and corrections before handing it in is something I am going to try and be a part of more often.  For some reason, I enjoyed writing this essay a lot more than I would have expected.  Maybe it was the prompt, or maybe it was the fact that it was an argumentative essay. Regardless, I am embarrassed to say that I am in fact slightly looking forward to writing the new essay for project 2.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Blog Entry #1

         My first name is Alan; However, one thing I did not say in class is that I go by my middle name, Michael.  I have two siblings, an older brother and a younger sister.  My brother is a senior here at Clemson studying biochemistry and my little sister is a sophomore in high school.  My family and I have moved a total of three times.  I was born in Tennessee, then moved to Nebraska. Before elementary school I moved to Philadelphia where I lived until I graduated from high school.  Right before I went to college my dad accepted a job in MUSC, so we moved to Charleston.  Moving away from my friends was tough but Charleston is a fun city to live in.  It is also nice to be near home while attending Clemson.  I am currently majoring in Economics and would like to minor in finance as well. 
       One thing that my first few days of English class made me realize is that I truly am an author.  By writing this blog right now, I am being an author.  When I write on my friends Facebook wall to tell him happy birthday, I am being an author.  I have done many different types of authoring such as persuasive essays, argumentative essays, compare and contrast essays, informative essays, as well as other types of authoring such as multimedia authoring.  Back in high school, we tended to mainly stick to research papers for my science classes and for the literature courses I tended to write mainly compare and contrast and argumentative. When I am at home and not doing a homework assignment, I partake in multimedia authoring a lot.  When I upload a video to Facebook or take a video of my self with the Snapchat app and write a caption, I being an author.   It is true that everyone is an author.