Friday, February 20, 2015

Project 3 Road Map...

Where to start.  I know that I am supposed to write a road map for project 3, however I have no clue what we are supposed to be doing for it!  The only thing I am confident about so far, is that I need to pick a topic relating to my major.  My major is Economics, so I guess I will be researching different methods of writing that Economic majors and/or business majors in firms use (that is if this is what we are supposed to do).   I believe it was because we have not met in class to discuss project 3, as to why I am so confused about what we are supposed to be doing.  One thing I am glad about is that I do know I will be researching things about Economics!!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Project 1 Reflection

In all honesty, project 1 was very successful for me.  Never before have I written a rough draft for an essay that I was working on.  I always began writing my essay and would correct my self as I went a long.  Also, the peer editing we did for project 1 was very insightful.  Having someone else look at my work and giving me ideas and corrections before handing it in is something I am going to try and be a part of more often.  For some reason, I enjoyed writing this essay a lot more than I would have expected.  Maybe it was the prompt, or maybe it was the fact that it was an argumentative essay. Regardless, I am embarrassed to say that I am in fact slightly looking forward to writing the new essay for project 2.